

Mastectomy vs. Lumpectomy: Which is Right for You?

Mastectomy and Lumpectomy are the procedures used for breast cancer treatment. Both procedures can prove effective for you, but they both have unique benefits and risks. A mastectomy removes the breast, but a lumpectomy maintains it. To determine which is best for you, consult a breast cancer oncologist. When choosing between the two, it’s important to consider your tumor’ location and stage…

A Guide to Mastectomy_ What to Expect Before, During, and After Surgery

A Guide to Mastectomy: What to Expect Before, During, and After Surgery

Mastectomy is a significant surgical procedure commonly used to cure or prevent breast cancer by removing one or both breasts.This blog covers the mastectomy fundamentals, a breast cancer treatment, and addresses its common concerns. You will be subjected to various medical procedures and care regimens during and after surgery. This comprehensive guide attempts to provide…

Understanding Breast Conservation Surgery_ What You Need to Know

Understanding Breast Conservation Surgery: What You Need to Know

Breast Conversation Surgery is a breast cancer treatment. In this treatment the aim is to remove cancer from the breast. The breast cancer surgeon removes the area of cancer and the surrounding breast tissue. They leave as much breast as possible. Breast conserving surgery is also known by several other names such as lumpectomy, quadrantectomy,…